Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Meeting Dr. Stotts for the First time.

Today was the day we were going to go get some answers and I was totally ready. I had my Mom go with me cause Brad was not able to come with me that day. I had a list of about 30 or so questions. I was able to meet with Dr. Alan Stotts he is the most FABULOUS Ortho Dr you could find. He was so kind and was able to put alot of my fears at rest. When I asked him about the Spina Bifida he said that I should have already know about that and since the Ultra Sound Dr said he was 95 % sure she did not have it then we are good. Then I asked about the Down Syndrome or having a type of Syndrome and he said that he has never seen a baby with Downs before. I ask about the Surgery and he said ten years ago that would be the case but now they do the ponseti method for club feet which is they do a set of casts every week  for 6 wks it can go longer and they just try and stretch out there feet. There is a surgery they do and its they poke a whole in there achilles heel and snip the tendon and then wrap it back up for a week and then re stretch the foot and then wrap it back up for two weeks and then she should be good he said.He also told us that after the casts she would have to be in a brace for 23hrs a day for three months straight and then after the three months then she will have to sleep in them till she is the age of 4 years old. He also told us another shocking news that she might not even have the club foot problem there is no way to really tell in just one ultra sound he said if we saw this in more then one ultra sound then yes we could be looking at playing with her feet. He also said that there is no way to tell if  her case was mild or moderate until she gets here and he can touch her to see how felixable she is. He also said that he see's 7 to 10 new baby's each week with this condition. Which was really surprising to me. He did say that by the time she is one she will be walking and on her way to chasing those two older brothers for me. Which was a words I needed to hear. He said that when I have her to call them if she has it and we left. I left that office in way better spirits then I have had the whole week before. I was amazed and new I had just found an amazing Dr.

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