My Mom came with me to this appointment it went really well considering all the other appointments she did not seem to be has upset with this one then the others. We thought that with this set of casts coming off that she would be out of them so she could be cast free for her baby blessing but nope she got put back into casts :( at this appointment has well we got told that she would need to have her surgery where they go in and poke a tiny whole in the back of her heel and then cut her tendion. Dr. Stotts strongly suggested that we put her under for this because how upset she gets when they casted her he did not want to have her be that way when they are doing there procedure. I was shocked that we were even talking about having one. I told him that I thought this was only if they where really bad and he told me that only about 5% of his patients don't have this done. I was also told that this procedure could be done in the office that they put some numbing ointment on the heel and wait 45min for the heel to numb up and that for her sake it would be best to have her put out that this set of cast would be better and she would be way better for it. We went home and Brad and I prayed about it and we both agreed that putting her under would be best but man how scared I felt about that she was not ever 50 days old and this is what we were going to be doing.